Saturday, March 17, 2012


Are you or any one you know suffering with clinical depression symptoms?
Do you  need help in determining your depression cause?
According to “Human Givens” there is a criteria that can help determine as to whether you are suffering from clinical depression.
When someone exhibits 5 or more of the following clinical depression symptoms including either 1 of the first 2 for at least a 2 week period they are considered to be clinical depressed.

Depressed mood.
Loss of pleasure or interest in usual activities.
Disturbance of appetite.
Sleep disturbance.
Psychomotor retardation or agitation.
Loss of energy.
Feelings of worthlessness and guilt.
Difficulties in thinking.
Recurrent thoughts of death or suicide.

Depression cause is not necessarily a result of a chemical imbalance but down to our reaction and responses to our environments. Attributional styles play a major part in our internal and external locus of control.
In other words; how we make sense of the world and why things happen.