Sunday, April 15, 2012

Wisdom !!!

Wisdom is not related to age nor it has anything to do with it. You could meet a 60 years old man who misguides you and you could meet someone who is much younger than you who helps you out.

How to become wise

Don’t take hasty decisions : One of the most important pillars of wisdom is not taking hasty decisions.

Don’t act before you complete the missing information : I am sure you have already faced the situation where you told one of your friends about a problem and then he gave you a solution right away before getting a full understanding of the picture.

Understand the underlying reasons : A person who shouts at everyone might be having a life problem that he can’t deal with, a person who is sarcastic may be angry because of his unmet goals and a person who hates you might just be afraid of you.

Read and apply : Read a lot without practicing and you will become a bookworm, take actions without reading and you will become an ignorant person or read a lot and apply what you have learned and you will become a wise person.

Observe : You don’t have to trip into a hole in the ground in order to know that its dangerous because you can figure out the same information by watching someone else falling into it.

Don't follow the herd: Most of the people that you are going meet won't be wise, will act based on their emotions and without having full information.